
Friday, July 19, 2013


This year has been a huge batch of firsts for me when it comes to my writing career:

I joined RWA (Romance Writers of America).
I joined my local RWA chapter CRW (Carolina Romance Writers).
I finished writing my first book.
I did my first pitch for an agent.
I did my first pitch for an editor.
I did my first writing retreat.
And now I'm at my first National RWA Conference.

In fact this is my first conference ever really. My jobs prior to my writing weren't the kind where conferences were something that I participated in.  I have been to events for Ron's work, but nothing like this.

I kid you not when I say that for the last 2 days, I have filled my head with more info than I am sure to retain. I have heard amazingly talented authors speak so eloquently that a room of people were brought to tears. I have made new friends, new contacts, and had the opportunity to meet some of the writers who I greatly admire. 

So far, it's been amazing. Overwhelming. But amazing.

I came to RWA not sure what to expect. My suitcases were packed to the point of no return and I hoped that I wouldn't stumble over my words too much when I met someone new. After two full days of lectures, I'm getting to the point of my brain exploding with new ideas, exciting new techniques, and inspiration to spare. And I want more. But there is only one day remaining and then it's back to the grind stone aka kids. 

I'm trying my best to find a way to bottle up the experience so I can carry it with me until next year as I get ready to submit to both the agent and the editor that requested a look at The Wind's Solace. Before I know it, tomorrow will come and go and my first RWA will be over. I'll take everything I've learned and carry it home with me as a more confident writer.

Oh and I'm pretty sure some attendees of another conference happening locally will take some things of their very own home. Yup, a big name tech company was sharing our hotel and I'm pretty sure some of those reserved guys got more than an earful from some of us more brazen romance writers while in the elevators at any given time. ;-)  You're welcome Mrs. Techie. You're welcome!

Thanks to all of you for being patient here while I worked overtime on edits to prepare for this conference. I hope to see you all again here next week! 


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