
Sunday, June 2, 2013

There is a mountain I need to climb today.

Unfortunately it's made out of laundry.
Some clean to be folded and put away, most dirty to be washed, dried, folded and put away.

But I'm not going to worry about it. *gasp*

That's right, because today, I plant to spend the entire day doing what my Carolina Romance Writers meeting inspired me to do. EDIT!

I know, I know, I seem to only talk about editing these days, but honestly that is mostly what I am doing with my writing.  Thanks to the suggestion of a great writer (Tracy Poole) I read a book about Deep Point of View then followed it up yesterday with a session on DPOV at our monthly meeting.

Yes, that's my MS on a pile of laundry...
These new skills couldn't have come at a better time either. "Why?" You ask. Well, I have a contest entry due in a few days that I've been wanting to submit and with all of this great newfound knowledge, I think my submission will be much stronger.

So, for the rest of today I won't be worrying about goals and laundry, I'll be editing/rewriting. Not that I expect to win a contest, but because with each contest I enter and receive feedback on, the better my story becomes!

Maybe then I am going to actually climb a mountain today. A manuscript mountain!

What mountains are in your path this week?

1 comment:

  1. laundry, dishes, girl dogs, bathrooms, meals, boy dogs, unjunking desk drawers, walking dogs and writing writing writing!
