I digress. Besides playing house all day with the kids and the hubby, I cook, sometimes clean and try to save the world with recycling and my sense of humor. (I probably accomplish more with recycling, but as they say laughter is the best medicine so I think the humor helps a bit too...) I've always wanted to be a writer. When I went to college, being an English major meant eventually teaching while I worked on my writing; and to be honest, kids scared the crap outta me! Of course that was back before I had kids and even now, other people's kids scare the crap outta me still! I figure at least if I mess up my kids, they will get a few good stories out of it! (Plus therapy I'm sure.) Anyway, so instead of doing the English Lit major thing, I went for a sciences related major. It earned me a degree, got me gainful employment, and reminded me how much I'd rather be living in my own little world writing the stories that are forever playing in my head.
So when the kids are occupied with school or sleeping, I write. And write. And write some more. And sometimes I share my love for it by teaching kids how to write. Of course I don't get paid for it though... Well, not money anyway, but I get to listen to all sorts of cool stories from the minds of tomorrow and it's exciting to get to be a part of their process so totally worth it! ;-)
As for my writing, I write in a few genres including, Paranormal Romance, Romantica, General Fiction, Fantasy Fiction and I've been know to do health topic articles in my former life. I have a couple of stories that are finished and I am finally ready to hold my breath, say a prayer and send inquiry letters to some publishers. It's a scary and exciting endeavor, but one I am totally ready for! Thanks for taking the time to stop by today, check back as I will update with news, updates, and other random goodness.
I also contribute to a writer's blog called Mimosa Mornings Writers. Check us out.
Be well ~ Jeni