Did I mention that I recently started contributing to a writer's blog? No? Oh my! Where has my brain been these days??
Well, here's the skinny... I'm currently the Wednesday poster on Mimosa Mornings Writers. It's a great group of writers who post about writing, anything that inspires us to write, or the mimosa's or Irish coffees we drink while writing! ;-) Okay, mine is the Irish coffee, but they let me in the Mimosa Mornings group anyway! So, if you don't get enough of me here, hop on over to Mimosa Mornings Writers on Wednesdays to see me. And look around while you are there because otherwise you will miss the terrific posts by Christine Gasser, Denise Leton, and Natalie R. Ratcliffe. I'm completely honored to get to work with these amazing ladies and if I ever find myself needing some inspiration, I turn to these word wizards to help get my creative juices flowing! Plus, Denise is great at sending pictures of my favorite actors that inspire me!! ;-)
So, If you want to read my previous posts at MMWs... follow the links below. If you want to read the bios of the amazing peeps I surround myself with (them with mimosas, me with my Irish coffee)- click the "about" link once you are on the MMW page!
I look forward to keeping up with you all on both pages, so comment away my friends! :-)
Mimosa Mornings Writers
I'm Mary-Freakin' Poppins
I'm An Introvert Who Plays An Extrovert In Real Life
Pitching Your Baby
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